Child Safety … Something We Should All Have…

Child safety is a huge issue.  Our little guy is almost 2, 25 pounds, and still rear facing.  I have had people tell me that “he will like it better if he was facing forward”, “I turned my child when they were one” and “why do you still have him rear facing”.  The fact is he LIKES rear facing.  he has always like to sit with his legs up to his chest.  Why???  I have no clue, sure doesn’t look comfortable but if he likes it why change it.  He hasn’t reached the height limit yet so I will keep him rear facing.  He will probably be the only rear facing 3-year-old I know.

Rear facing or forward facing doesn’t really matter when it comes to the what if’s…  What if you or someone who had your child is in an accident?  What happens if there isn’t anyone to speak for the baby?  I didn’t even think of this until I was researching rear/front facing topic.  I found a program called CHAD Children Have An iDentity on the Ohio EMS page.  They have a printable form that you can fill out and tape to your child’s car seat.  I figure why not put it also on the stroller or in our wallets/purse/backpack.  It is smart to have an edited version in the glove box too.

The CHAD form has a space for the child’s name, nickname, DOB, address, doctor, emergency contact other than the parents, special needs info, medications, allergies, and important phone numbers.  Here is a picture of what you can print.  Click on the picture to be linked to the Ohio EMS page that has the downloadable file.

What are your thoughts?