What is Happening to this Country?

I hear reports ever day it seems as to how a teenager has disappeared.  Why is it that so many kids from 13- 16 years old seem to be vanishing?  Is there a predator out there taking them and selling them?  Are they getting mixed up with mysterious “online” dating?  Are they hooking up with strangers, fall in “love” and then run away?

The most alarming things I keep hearing about is all the toddlers that are being snatched.  First of all why would anyone let a toddler play without supervision in the front yard?  That is just asking for a disaster.  Oh man, I would never let our little one play outside alone this young.  Heck, who knows what age is “ok” these days.  What happened to the days when I was a young kid and could not only play outside alone but could ride my bike around the neighborhood alone and go out and play as long as I was back in time for dinner or before dark which ever came first?  There are so many more things to worry about with our young children these days.

Sometimes I think if our little guy could be locked up and kept on a leash to keep him safe I would in a heartbeat if I thought it wouldn’t traumatized him.  But we can’t do that to our kids, if we did they would grow up missing the most fundamental aspects of growing up…  Time away from Mom and Dad to do what they want and to explore new things.

My heart goes out to all parents and families who have lost a child.  For the children who are missing, I hope most of them can be found and brought home.


Having a PPD Moment … Getting Personal… Family, Heartbreak and Hope…

** DISCLAIMER **  I wrote this on Nov 15th and made it a private post.  It is a very emotional post and I wasn’t going to post it but, after talking to some of the women in my PPD group I have decided to make it public.  I am not the only one going through these emotions even though situations may be different the raw emotion expressed here is me to the core.  I will not apologize for my feelings as they are a part of who I am.  This post was written to help me heal a wound that had occurred as a result of events unknown to me, we are the ones who are living with and feeling the effects of someone else’s decisions that I can not control.  The person who looses the most is my son.   My follow-up post is GETTING CLOSE TO THE TIME OF YEAR WE VERBALLY GIVE THANKS…  where I thank everyone who is close in my heart.  **
As we get closer to making the big move.  I am laying out the cost and looking for places to live.  I like the idea of finding a nice townhouse to rent to start with and then we can take the time to find a nice house in my old school district.  And it looks like we should be able to make our move in about 18 months give or take a couple of months.  And as I think about moving I am excited to be closer to family and friends some, who I have known since I was a wee little girl.  This isn’t a case of “the grass is greener” but of “this grass just ain’t gettin’ greener.”  :/

We now live in a small(very small, the size of a town) city with a handful of my SO’s family around.  They aren’t as close-knit as my family is even with all the miles between us.  It makes me sad to be so close to family and not get to see them in so long.  I know everyone is busy with work and nuclear family time but my son has a cousin 6 weeks older than him who he hasn’t seen since Easter.  And that breaks my heart.  I always extend invites and many times never receive a reply.  My mind knows it isn’t anything personal, but my heart feels otherwise.  Oh well…  I keep the hope that we will see everyone before we move to NY but as time passes my heart grows weary and sad.

When I think about it I get so sad and then I think about how some people might think I have it easy being a stay home mom who gets to play with her child all day.  Let me say…  it is hard to find activities to entertain and educate our little guy all day, EVERY day, 7 days a week.  Some days I would love to have a child care provider I could drop him off at and then pick him up, even if just for 2 hours.  I love my son with all my heart and would do anything for him and anything to protect him but sometimes mommy needs a break too.  Yes, it is fun to watch his mind work every moment and yes it is nice to be able to do things with him.  Am I lucky??  Some days I really question if I am and I think that a family with 2 working parents have it easy being able to drop their child/children off to someone so they can have the daunting task of entertaining a toddler.  Usually those days are accompanied with the major meltdowns or tantrums from being frustrated.

Add in that I am not just a Stay At Home Mom(SAHM) but I am trying to launch a company using nap times as work times, staying up late working on various products, making tutorials, doing research and setting up a webstore.  My SO works 11.5 hours a day 5-6 days a week and when he gets home he has about 1.5 hours with our son before it is bedtime.  I am up until about 11pm almost every night working on business stuff that I can’t get done during the day.  The little guy wakes around 5 am but never after 6:15am.  In our house 6:15 is sleeping in.  So there’s not much time for sleep.

A little more than 2 months ago my SO had to be rushed to the hospital with chest pains.  I was scared out of my mind, I had no one I could really talk to other than his Mom, who is wonderful and I love her dearly, but she was only here in town for vacation.  We were very lucky it wasn’t his heart but it really put life into perspective for us.  We made the decision to move to NY so I could be closer to a tight-knit support group of family and friends.  It will be nice to be closer to the friends and family I left when I moved to Fl 15 years ago.  I miss my parents, my siblings (even though 1/2 are not in the area anymore), my friends who have stayed by my side even though we have had over 1000 miles between us, and all my nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles and cousins…  I look forward to all the play dates, family get togethers, “mommy” time, and having a network of fabulous people who I can call and say “hey, I am stressed out, can you help me out” and know that they will be there as soon as they can to lend a hand.

I will miss our family we have here in MA, of course, but with everyone working such crazy hours there aren’t enough hours in a day to squeeze in anyone but the nuclear family.  I have gotten really close with Sean’s Aunt and love spending time with her.  I will miss her tons and will have to teach her how to Skype.  I was asked today “How great is it that your little one has a cousin to play with who is the same age?”  I replied, “I don’t know, we haven’t seen them since a few days after Easter.”  The person responded “That is so sad, hope you see them soon.”  In that moment I felt my heart sink wondering if we will see them before we move.  I try to keep it all in and not let the emotions out but some days it is harder than others to mask my sadness, and today is one of those days.  Today I have thought about how much I miss all our family and friends near and far.  Some days I feel so isolated because I am a SAHM and feel as I and our family is not worthy of other’s time, like I am not good enough…  I work my butt off all day everyday to not only raise our son but to build a business of our own.

That is all the jumbled rant I have today.  I am sure getting this out and a good night sleep will do wonders to lift up my spirits.  In just over 6 hours I will have to smile and giggle my way through the day, “fake it till ya make it” philosophy.


Today’s Featured Item – The Fisherman’s Onesie and Sock Set

This is one of my favorite sets.

The perfect outfit for the littlest fisherman in the family. Available in 3 Months, 6 Months and 9 Months. Tagged on a hanger with a plastic garment bag. FREE SHIPPING via Standard Mail to US Addresses

The perfect outfit for the littlest fisherman in the family.  Available in 3 Months, 6 Months and 9 Months.  Tagged on a hanger with a plastic garment bag.
FREE SHIPPING via Standard Mail to US Addresses


How is Your Monday? (do not read if you gross out easily)

Well, so far my Monday has been SHITTY!!! And I mean that literally.

First Robert did the biggest fill your diaper and then some … TIMES 2.

When I got him down for a nap and had to pee really bad.  I raced into the bathroom opened the lid to…  Now, I am not going to point fingers here but someone poo’d this morning and left me the “mess”.  Meaning I thought he just forgot to flush, no big deal right. WRONG!!  He flushed alright and what ever he flushed has backed up the toilet so much that not even plunging has worked.  I even had to scoop feces water out of the toilet into a small garbage can so I could plunge because about 2/3 a gallon flowed over the edges and on to the floor.  I plunged for about 20 minutes while trying not to gag to death


So I have called the landlord (thank God we rent) and he will come over with a toilet snake and try to unclog the toilet.  So the little guy is napping peacefully, all the tenants have left the building and I still have to pee so bad.  As soon as he wakes up we are heading to his daddy’s work so I can use their bathroom.

I have used ALL the towels we have to soak up all the “water” so now I can’t even take a shower.  Now our Monday will be spent at the laundry mat because our building doesn’t have hot water in the laundry room.

This is worse than changing poop filled cloth diapers by far.


Leaps and Bounds … Our Little Guy is Amazing!!

People thought I was nuts when I was pregnant buying the little guy flashcards of colors, numbers, shapes and the alphabet. Well…

I have done the alphabet cards (and the others as well) with R since he was about a year old (maybe sooner). I would tell his daddy what he was doing but the other day my heart melted. We went to visit daddy at work and I put R down so he could wander. He went to the “Paper Only” sign and pointed at the A and said “ah” then pointed at the E and said “ee”. He did it on his own with no coaching and he did it a few times. Yesterday when I showed him the “A” card he said “Ah”…”Ba”(for b)… “Ka”(like the cat minus the “t”).. “Da”.. “E” and clapped.

AMAZING how their brains are little sponges.

R is almost 20 months old 😀

Caption This Photo

I wanna drop and roll

Our little guy at 18 months old has already fallen in love with a Penny Board.  OH BOY!!!

Playground Crush

Yesterday we were at the mall play area with my mom.  She took him in there while I went to look at something and when I came back Robert had a little girl following him around like a girl in love.  She was about 6 months older than Robert.  She would follow him but when he would get close to a corner of one of the big toy things she would put her hand on his back and help him by it almost like she was a little mother hen.  When they were in the little boat together she would show him how to play on it.  She was too cute, baby love.  LOL

My Toddler Loves His Mommy

Today Robert and I were goofing around like normal and he whipped his head back and his head met mine.  SMASH  his forehead had a red mark and my mouth was throbbing.  My front tooth felt loose.  I put the little guy down to go swish my mouth out and he ran up to me, pulled on my shirt and lifted his arms up for me to pick him up.  So I leaned down and picked him up.  He gave me a kiss then 5 more in a row after that, just like I do to him when he gets hurt.  It was so sweet.  Then he cuddled up to me.  My heart burst with so much love.  My baby is turning into a sweet and loving little boy.


Road Trip Success

I had the car loaded and ready to go for our departure first thing in the morning.  I had all kinds of good stuff for us to listen to from Marbles’ Brain Beats, Katy Perry, Disney nursery rhymes, VNV Nation, Wumpscut, Dimmu Borgir, jewel’s lullabies and a bi-lingual toddler book on tape.  I learned real quick he was on with the nursery rhymes cd once by round 2 he was ready for something new.  He would sing along to just about everything.  As for activities for him to do I didn’t leave anything out.  I had everything packed from a new stuffed crab to give him if he got “crabby” to a few of his favorite toys.  I had the iPad loaded with a couple of Disney short films and Thomas the Train story collection, or so I thought.  We were about 2 hours away from our destination and we stopped at a rest area so I could pop in the video.  OH BOY was I surprised when I went to pull up Thomas and it said “Unable to load video”.  WHAT, But I tested it and it played fine at the house???  Apparently it didn’t finish downloading completely.  grrrrr  So here I was 2 hours away and my plan was derailed.  But not to fret because within about 20 minutes he fell asleep again and was out for about 40 more minutes.

He didn’t even need the movie he had his favorite monkey, his sippy cup, his cup of goldfish, and his Leap Frog “Scout” dog and he was perfectly happy the entire trip.  Only a couple of times he didn’t want to get in the car but it was nothing once I got him in and handed him Mr Monkey he was fine.  I have been blessed with a very good traveler.  Thankfully Daddy will arrive before we have to travel back home and he will ride back with us.

The next solo trip is a 24 hour trip down the coast to Florida to see the grandparents in the wintertime.  That will be the next adventure.


Twas the Night Before the Road Trip

Twas the night before our first epic road trip
Just mommy and an 18 month old toddler
A nice night to curl up in bed
Dream of sugar plums and fairies dancing in my head
With a big yawn and a rub of my eyes
I am sure to get a good night sleep
For in the morning I will rise to the sound of my little guy
Full of energy and ready for adventure
We will surely experience
An epic road trip
Just me and my little guy